Black Diamond's Jr. Handling

June 1998

Travis & Trooper

Travis started out in the Peewee class.
This was their first time in the ring, they made an awesome team together.
May 2001

Travis & Ben
( Can. Ch. Merical's Good Boy Ben )

This was the first time Travis showed Ben. They had a good time in the ring together. Thank you Eva for letting Travis show Ben
July 2001

Travis & Cassie
( Trimanor's High Roller )

This is the first time for Travis and Cassie in the ring together.
They did pretty good together, with a 3rd place win.

September 2001

Travis & Trooper

WOW !  This was the first time that Travis has won a 1st place. They won their first place in the Jr. Novice class. Way to go Travis.
May 2002

Travis & Trooper

WOW ! Another 1st place.
This win was at the N.O.W.D.A.
Specialty Show, from the Jr. Novice class.
July 2002

Travis & Cassie

Cassie is a hard dog to show, she doesn't like to be in the ring.
Travis has done pretty good with her so far, with a 4th place win their second
time in the ring together.

Keep an eye out for Travis's little sister,
Ashlee will be old enough to hit the peewee
ring in the summer of 2003.
"She will steel your heart away"

July 2003

Ashlee & Abby
( Sanjo's Two Week notice )

This was Ashlee's first time in the
ring, they were in the pee-wee class.
Ashlee and Abby had a great time in the ring together.

A special thank you to Sandy Johnson of Sanjo Shelties for letting her show Abby.

Keep an eye out for Ashlee in the pee-wee ring

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